Monday, 12 May 2008

Lost? What me? Lost? How do you mean, lost?

I love that God specialises in finding things! (My diary just returned after three weeks of heart pounding uncertainty.)

There are a lot of spooky ideas circulating around the “I was lost but Jesus found me” idea. I’ve concluded that the lost-ness is the confusion, the mess I make of stuff, the sense of “How was it I ended up here? I didn’t set out to get here! But here I am anyway!”

I am enjoying the thought that Jesus didn’t die on the cross to make us Christians, or live to show us how to be good Christians either.

No. I think that the whole show was about getting us back in touch with our Father ( the one in heaven) so that he could get his arms around us, settle us down and unpick the deep-seated loss lurking in all of us.

Now, where did I put my keys?

Highest of all possible regards


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