Friday, 20 February 2009

prism my ism...

I had my eyes tested the other day.

I know that they are not quite the full picnic.
I was paying particular attention to the astigmatism (or should that be astigmatisms?) Yup, one for each eye folks!
Apparently the left wanders upwards (see diagram attached) whilst the right veers to the right somewhat.The thingymabob used by the optician should have red lines passing throught the point of light in the centre of the black box. My starting point for each eye is as shown above.

The great thing is, she just like pushed a  button and said, "Is this better than this?"

I was interregated thus until finally both eyes had the line on the spot.
I was put in mind of all my funny little 'isms'. Seeing off-field right, above the spot left etc, etc, etc.

It's like Jesus has been busy sticking in prisms to pull my view into line with his. It's been a life-time's work and it's not done yet.
Then again, I've been wearing specs since I was six years old and the optician says she's looking forward to a return visit in a couple of years time. (With the over-rider that I can pop back in should I feel the need.)

I guess prisming the ism ain't over 'till it's over...

PS: note the glue spot and scarring over left eye - more next time under the title "Saving the Planet".