Wednesday, 25 July 2007

come on home

I love you
as I love my own.
For, by your choice,
that's what you are.
By your own will
(that makes it twice the thing!)
And that's how Jesus sees us now;
yes bought,
but coming to Him
by our own desire
sets hearts afire -
both his and ours,
both yours and mine.
But finer still
(as He views the thing)
is how His father warms
to this old theme.
His words come fast,
and tumble out -
can't help themselves -
as He gives word to heart,
"I love you
as I love my own."

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

show far show good...

Overheard between low-level passes at the airshow...

“Hey mate! My son has been asking all year if that man who salutes him will be on the air-show gate. He was over the moon when he saw you. I don’t really understand it.”
“Well it’s because God likes both of you and does nice things for you.”

“Hey. The weather looks a bit bad for the flying. Fingers crossed for tomorrow eh?”
“Nah. Let’s pray and ask our Dad for something good!”
“Hi! So the sun is shining this morning then? Did you do that talking to God stuff?”
“And you really think it works?
“Yes. He likes you, you know.”

“Oh sir, why the long face?”
“I was pick-pocketed yesterday at the show and they took every penny I had. I really don’t even know if I have enough petrol to get back home tonight, but I came to make the best of the last day.”
“Oh man! So bad. I can’t think of anything to say to make it better, but I will ask if my Dad in heaven can help out.”
“Well I never. I don’t know what made me look behind a different seat to mine in the grandstand. But there was my wallet. It was jammed in where it must have landed yesterday. Amazing thing is that there’s £200 in it – all still there!”
“Well that’s great. I could only pray for you sir. I think God likes you.”
(We gave everybody back their money donated in the emergency relief whip round later. Moral? Do something in approximately the right direction and God might just go the extra mile!)

“Morning madam. I was thrilled to see you walking so well this year. Even with the sticks you look so good now. It was a wheelchair last year and I’ve been asking God if He could see his way to improving things. I know it was so hard for you.”
“Yes, and that’s not all. I met my future husband on the grandstand here last year. He’s with me now. It’s been a fantastic year even though I still have a lot of pain.”
“Ever get the feeling that God likes you madam?”

“We still remember your bad jokes even months after the air-show. We sort of look forward to seeing you again despite them.”
Well thank you very much, we aim to please and we only want to brighten up your day. God likes you, you know.”
“Well, maybe. All we know is that there isn’t another air-show gate with entertainment thrown in!”

“Can we take you home with us?”
“No madam, but you can take my Dad – actually, He’s going your way anyway!”

“What sort of church are you part of?”
“Er. Church church!”…You know, Jesus is making it and he’s like restoring us.”
“Well, making us what he always planned us to be. You know, more like “Will the real me please stand up?” and it’s starting to happen.”
“I’m looking for some of that.”
"Look. I’ll talk to my Dad in Heaven. You came back to the air-show next year and tell me how He surprised you. It won’t all be over by then but you will be on the journey!”

“You think so?”
“I know so!”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because He likes you!”
